Can a few simple daily actions make YOU happier at work?

Can a few simple daily actions make YOU happier at work?

Some people pursue happiness at work, others create it!

Making a change in your people will help them make a change in your business!


According to various studies, happier people are healthier and more creative, energetic, productive, resilient, cooperative, social, and engaged at work. You will do better work if you are happier! A variety of intentional activities can boost your happiness. Start by picking 2-3 techniques that sound like the best fit for you, and focus on doing more of those.

Gratitude: Recent studies suggest that gratitude is linked to well-being and happiness. Grateful people are happier, healthier, and optimistic and are able to cope positively with challenges. Each day think about 3 good things that happened to you at the office by focusing your attention on positive things, this can significantly impact your happiness.

 Nurture Quality Relationships:  Quality relationships are a major source of happiness. Spending more quality time and attention focusing on other people will bring you happiness. Always surround yourself with people who give you opportunities to grow.

 Cultivate optimism: Be “actively optimistic imagining your best possible future. People who have an optimistic and positive view towards life are more motivated to work towards that desired future and make it happen.

 Manage Stress: Science tells us that how we cope with stress has a huge effect on our well-being. Effective coping stress strategies at work include physical exercise, connecting with a friend, mindfulness meditation, and viewing stress as energizing. Try to avoid fear, over-thinking, obsessing about choices, and excessively comparing yourself to others.

 Practice Kindness:  Offer a helping hand to coworkers and passersby. This might be carpooling to work in the morning, forgiving others, being kind to colleagues, or expressing gratitude to coworkers. Research shows that acts of kindness are a powerful way to increase your own happiness. It helps you build more positivity around you especially at work.

 Find Meaning: In order to make life and work more enjoyable regardless of your circumstances, you need to actively seek and create meaning and pleasure in whatever you are doing because creating the right conditions in life or at work lies within you. When you find better ways to craft your work to give you more meaning and connection, you thrive.

 Focus on progress:  Progress toward clear and meaningful goals fuels happiness. If we savor and celebrate our progress, we can get much more happiness from that progress than the occasional completion of a major goal.

 Get into Flow: When we focus completely with no multi-tasking for 20 minutes or more on a task that is challenging but possible, we end up in a state called flow. When we are in flow, we feel revitalized. Many of us think multi-tasking is a sign of being good at your job, but it turns out it is usually making us less effective and takes us out of flow.


How happy are you?? Take the quiz now to find out and assess overall happiness rating and start immediately improving your life today.

 Through coaching you will achieve better results sooner. Coaching is an investment in yourself. We will help you achieve your current goals, and also empower you to continue succeeding in the long run.


 Linda Chaccour 

Founder of Emerge Coaching

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About the Author
Linda Chaccour is a passionate Life Strategist and Happiness Coach, a Certified Youth, Parent and Family Coach, and the founder of Emerge Coaching in UAE and in Lebanon. A graduate of the NeuroLeadership Group, the World Coach Institute, and the Robbins-Madanes Training school (RMT), Linda has had the honor of being trained by the International Coach Federation and the motivational guru and success coach, Anthony Robbins.